Comment choisir le meilleur nom de domaine en Tunisie : Astuces pour 2023

Comment choisir le meilleur nom de domaine en Tunisie : Astuces pour 2023

Le choix d’un nom de domaine est une étape cruciale pour la création de votre site web, en particulier si vous vous trouvez en Tunisie. En 2023, l’environnement en ligne est de plus en plus concurrentiel, et le bon nom de domaine peut faire toute la différence en matière de référencement et de visibilité sur le web. Dans cet article, nous allons vous guider à travers quelques astuces essentielles pour choisir le nom de domaine parfait en Tunisie en 2023, en mettant l’accent sur l’optimisation pour les moteurs de recherche (SEO).

1. Recherche de mots-clés pertinents: choix nom de domaine en Tunisie

Lorsque vous choisissez un nom de domaine en Tunisie, il est essentiel de tenir compte des mots-clés pertinents pour votre entreprise ou votre site web. Utilisez des outils de recherche de mots-clés tels que Google Keyword Planner pour identifier les termes et expressions qui sont les plus recherchés par votre public cible. Intégrer ces mots-clés dans votre nom de domaine peut aider à améliorer votre classement dans les résultats de recherche locaux.

Par exemple, si vous possédez une agence de voyage en Tunisie, un nom de domaine comme « » ou « » pourrait être une option judicieuse, car il intègre des mots-clés liés à votre secteur d’activité.

2. Courte et mémorable

Le choix nom de domaine en Tunisie court et facile à mémoriser est toujours préférable. Les internautes auront plus de facilité à se rappeler de votre site web s’ils peuvent prononcer et écrire rapidement votre nom de domaine. Évitez les noms de domaine excessivement longs, complexes ou difficiles à épeler. Un nom de domaine court et pertinent est également plus susceptible d’être partagé sur les réseaux sociaux, ce qui peut contribuer à augmenter le trafic vers votre site.

3. Évitez les caractères spéciaux et les tirets

Les caractères spéciaux et les tirets dans un nom de domaine peuvent prêter à confusion et rendre votre nom de domaine difficile à saisir. Il est préférable de les éviter autant que possible. Optez pour un nom de domaine composé uniquement de lettres et de chiffres.

4. Utilisation de l’extension de domaine appropriée

En Tunisie, l’extension de domaine la plus couramment utilisée est « .tn ». Si votre public cible est principalement local, il est recommandé d’utiliser cette extension pour montrer que votre site web est spécifiquement destiné au marché tunisien. Cependant, si vous envisagez une audience internationale, une extension de domaine générique comme « .com » ou « .net » peut être plus appropriée.

5. Évitez les droits d’auteur et les marques déposées

Assurez-vous que le nom de domaine que vous choisissez ne viole pas les droits d’auteur ou les marques déposées d’autres entreprises. Cela pourrait vous causer des problèmes juridiques et nuire à la crédibilité de votre site web. Effectuez des recherches approfondies pour vous assurer que votre nom de domaine est unique et légal.

6. La pertinence avant tout

En fin de compte, la pertinence est la clé. Votre nom de domaine doit refléter clairement le contenu ou la nature de votre site web. Cela aidera non seulement les utilisateurs à comprendre immédiatement ce que vous proposez, mais également les moteurs de recherche à classer votre site en conséquence.

En conclusion, opter pour un nom de domaine en Tunisie en 2023 est essentiel pour le succès de votre site web et de votre entreprise en ligne. En suivant ces astuces, vous pouvez créer un nom de domaine optimisé pour le SEO qui vous aidera à atteindre votre public cible et à améliorer votre visibilité sur les moteurs de recherche, ce qui est particulièrement crucial dans un marché tunisien de plus en plus compétitif. Prenez votre temps pour choisir le nom de domaine parfait, car il sera l’une des pierres angulaires de votre présence en ligne.

5 Plugins WordPress Facile à utiliser  pour raccourcir les URL

5 Plugins WordPress Facile à utiliser pour raccourcir les URL

URL shortening services are certainly not new to the web, platforms like TinyURL have been around for over a decade now and has successfully shortened hundreds of millions of URL’s for its users. The web is being inundated with new websites and content management systems that utilize very complicated and difficult URL patterns. When Twitter was introduced to the World, it quickly had to adapt to its own URL shortener due to the fact that URLs would be too long to copy and paste in traditional manner. Default: Shortened: It makes such a huge difference in the length of the URL, as well as the complexity of having to share it with your friends, relatives or coworkers. Other uses for URL shorteners, especially in the WordPress blogosphere, is the ability to mask affiliate links, a way for bloggers to earn revenue without having to directly expose their long affiliate marketing URLs, or we can mask our links from 3rd party affiliate sites that we are using on our blog, and rest assured that such techniques are completely safe in terms of their effects on your rankings. If you have been struggling with keeping up with your analytics data on certain links, perhaps you’re having trouble really understand Google Analytics, you will be happy to know that URL shorteners usually provide a way to track your shortened links and their full statistics, when the link was clicked, and where, which can also help with understanding who else is sharing your links on the web. has the analytics platform narrowed down to perfection, definitely consider them as one of your first choices in learning more about modern link shortening.

Short URL

First we want to get clear about whether we want to use a 3rd party service, or we wish to use our own website for shortening our links. If your choice is leaning towards the latter, then Short URL plugin will give you all the necessary features to turn your own WordPress blog into a link shortening platform; giving you full control over how your links appear on the web, and your website.


ClickMeter knows what makes webmasters, marketers and online affiliate agencies tick. This state of the art link shortening solution provides a sea of features, for example you can use the variety of URL shorteners that ClickMeter offers, but you can also turn your own domain into a link shortening service. The comprehensive analytics platform will give you enough insights and data about the way your links are being exposed online that creating further duplicates of successful content are going to become a daily occurrence. You can even monitor links that have suddenly gone offline, helping you to protect yourself against unexpected Google penalties.

Google provides its own, easy-to-use URL shortener. Create tiny and flexible URLs that you can share with anyone and anywhere, and use the’s own monitoring platform to learn about the number of clicks that your links are receiving. Each shortened URL is complimented with a snapshot of the website that you’re shortening, at the time of shortening. is known to be a platform for helping bloggers monetize their content by protect the outgoing URLs. This plugin will help you manage your account from within your WordPress dashboard, making it much more flexible to create the kind of URLs that will hopefully bring about revenue.


iOli is a simple and straightforward URL shortening platform that will let you shorten any URL on your website. Sometimes all we need is simplicity, and flexibility, and that’s exactly what iOli brings to the table for its users.

3 plugins pour WordPress afin de sécuriser votre blog

3 plugins pour WordPress afin de sécuriser votre blog

WordPress is home to hundreds of millions of bloggers, the idea that it wouldn’t be a huge target for hackers is nothing short of ignorant. WordPress is constantly being targeted by both low-profile and high-profile security pentesters who may want to exploit the platform for either personal benefit, or for getting an official reward, though the latter is rarely the case.

Security can be seen in many different ways, but the type you will usually experience when dealing with WordPress is called web security. Web security possesses the ability to put your whole web file system at risk by having vulnerabilities that haven’t been properly understood and prevented. However, preventing attacks from previously unknown vulnerabilities is next to impossible, which is why we need to look elsewhere. Some of the best security protection for WordPress comes from using professional security plugins.

A security plugin can help to prevent unauthorized access, as well as log threatening events, it can even completely disable access to your sensitive parts of your website, and you can be the only person in charge of enabling them back. Lets take a look at the top three WordPress security plugins on the market.

1. Sucuri Security

Sucuri is a well-known and established name in the world of WordPress (and general web) security. The Sucuri Security plugin has been built to reflect the latest developments in web security, so as to ensure that all WordPress bloggers have their blogs safe and secure.

Sucuri plugin will help you to monitor the activity of your logs and outline potential security risks, the plugin comes equipped with a versatile malware scanner that will remove any malware on daily basis, on top of that it will integrate a number of security practices that will make it next to impossible for hackers to break into your blog.

Click here to download Sucuri.

2. BulletProof Security

BulletProof is very likely to be the most sophsisticated WordPress security plugin, with an amount of features that no other plugin has been able to match, and most likely never will. Is this a good thing? Well, it depends. The BulletProof Security plugin does a lot of things besides securing your WordPress blog, it will help you optimize your sites performance, and you will be able to take advantage of features such as .htaccess security, database backup security, and security precautions for all logged-in users. (Cookie based.)

It’s highly recommended that you spend some time reading the full list of features on the official plugin page, and decide for yourself whether this plugin is something you’d like to work with.

Click here to download BulletProof.

3. Wordfence Security

The first thing Wordfence will do after you install the plugin, is to instantly check your site against possible malware threats. The way Wordfence does it, is that it takes the official WordPress source-code and checks it against your own current version on the server, including for themes and plugins. The output is a list of potential threats which you can then terminate, so you don’t have to worry about custom plugin and theme changes being classified as threats. This security plugin will not only make your site significantly faster, you will also be pleased to know that the plugin is open-source and anyone can contribute to its success.

Click here to download Wordfence.

5 conseils pour optimiser vos Landing Page

5 conseils pour optimiser vos Landing Page

Votre page d’accueil est une page d’atterrissage, votre page de caractéristiques produit est une page d’atterrissage, même la page de tarification est une page d’atterrissage. Toute page comportant des boutons d’appel à l’action pour s’inscrire en tant que client peut être considérée comme une page d’atterrissage, mais certaines sont certainement plus concises et spécifiques que d’autres. Read More »

Lutter contre les SPAM sur vos annonces sociales

Lutter contre les SPAM sur vos annonces sociales

The world of social media is supposed to be just that – social. It’s a place where people can freely speak their mind about a product, brand, or their favorite cat (we’re looking at you Grumpy cat). This can be amazingly wonderful for some advertisers, but then it can also be their worst enemy. This post will cover the negative effects of social on social (Twitter and Facebook) ads and how you can fight them.Fighting Comment Spam


The most common type of spam on Twitter originate from fake accounts posting affiliate links or links to their products. These users are essentially riding the curtails of legitimate advertisers in order to get some visibility for free. How effective is this for them? We don’t know.
Another type of spam comes from upset users. Although we all try our best to provide the absolute best products available, there will always be someone that is unsatisfied for some reason. These users can be very vocal about their opinions on social channels, even attempting to hijack otherwise civil threads with hate comments.
Fortunately with Twitter, you’ll be able to see comments on any of your posts coming through your notifications. So if you’re watching your notifications, you’ll be able to quickly identify spam. The downside is that you can’t delete any of these comments, deserved or not. You can mark them as spam, but the chance of them being removed is very slim.
For Twitter, you really have two options.

  • Leave the tweet alone and hope the spam doesn’t get noticed
  • Delete the tweet and recreate it in the campaign

The second option is one of the worst options because, as many advertisers will know, Twitter rewards engagement. So if you have a tweet that has a lot of favorites and retweets, the tweet will tend to show more often. Although, Twitter does reward freshness, so it is overall a balancing act and a judgement call.


If you’re using Facebook’s « Boost Post » option, your ads are your posts on your page and you can easily filter through the posts with comments. However, if you’re using dark posts, then this is a much more involved process.
Similar to Twitter, the most comment type of spam is affiliate links, product links, and even profile or page links. On Facebook, these can be deleted and abusive users easily banned.
The next type of spam essentially consists of generally nonsensical, but positive comments. Mostly these are emojis and smiley faces. There are rumors that some fake accounts are created for specific purposes and these users click / comment in order to appear active. While we can’t verify this information, we aren’t going to usually delete the positive messages.
Currently, Facebook doesn’t notify page administrators of comments on ads. However, they do notify for likes, which seems slightly backwards. However, here are 3 methods of finding your comments on newsfeed and mobile ads.
1. Manually Go Through Each Campaign I generally separate ad sets by display type. This makes it easier to go through all ads in these ads set in the campaign manager. The process is listed below:

  • Click ad name so a view of the ad will drop down
  • Look at view of ad to see if there are any comments
  • If there are comments, click « Ad Preview »
  • If this has a newsfeed element, you can click « View in Newsfeed »
  • This will open the demo in your newsfeed and you can click comments
  • Remove spam as needed

2. Manually Save Links To Add in Spreadsheets This is a tedious process, especially for those that create a lot of ads. To start, you’ll need to complete the steps in number 1 above. Then follow these:

  • In the demo view, hit the arrow on the top right of the post
  • Click save post
  • Go to your saved posts (you can get there by clicking this link)
  • Click the post
  • Copy URL and put in spreadsheet
  • Delete saved post

The reason you have to delete the saved post is because you can only save one post per page.   3. Power Editor To The Rescue This is the most efficient method I have discovered thus far. If you haven’t used the power editor before, don’t worry; it’s really pretty easy for mass edits. This helps grab all the posts you need (and the post IDs), and start viewing the posts. Here’s the process you’ll need.

  • Visit power editor (click here)
  • Download your ad account
  • Click the active section on the left for campaigns to grab just the active campaigns
  • Select all campaigns (if you filtered ad sets by display then you can select all those ad sets)
  • Click the export import button on the top. (Button has two arrows)
  • Choose Export Selected or Export All
  • Open the downloaded document
  • Play with the data until you have the « Ad ID » of your newsfeed and mobile ads
  • Ad ID looks similar to a:602000000000
  • Move these to a different document / spreadsheet / tab
  • Do a replace with CTRL + F to replace a: with

Your results will look like a string of lines similar to
If you notice in the spreadsheet, there’s a « Preview Link » column. I have not yet been able to successfully see the newsfeed links by using this. That’s why I suggest appending the Ad IDs to the URL above.
This process makes it easier to run through the list in a few minutes to go through the comments. If you wish to have multiple people, you’ll need to have them listed at least as an Analyzer on the Facebook account so that they can see the demo links.


Remember, not all of the comments and tweets on your ads are spam. Do keep an eye out for general support requests and other beneficial interactions as well.
It is always important to be responsive and helpful via your social channels.

Update 6/16/15

Recently, Facebook made a change to make this a little easier. Maybe they saw this post? We’d like to think so. Facebook has done a better job of adding the notifications for comments on all posts. However, if you’re running a lot of ads, you’ll probably miss some of the notifications. So you can use the steps below to find the posts to modify their links. To see comments on your ads, it’s still a manual process. You you (or the person going through the ads) will need to have access to the advertising account. To see the comments, you have a couple of options to find them: Campaign Manager or in Power Editor. The steps for both are listed below:   Campaign Management Dashboard From there, click the campaign, then the ad set, and you will be at the ad level. Click the specific ads that you want and you’ll see a small preview of the ad. On the right, you’ll see the following (check the screenshot 1 below). Click « View Post Permalink With Comments » (screenshot 2).   Screenshot 1 Find Facebook Ad Preview   Screenshot 2 View Facebook Ad With Comments   Power Editor There are two ways to find these in Power Editor. Both of which require you to be within the Ads tab. The first option is within the table for the ads. Just scroll all the way to the right and you’ll see the « Preview Link » column (screenshot 3). The second option is to select the ad. Right below the ad preview, you’ll see the options in screenshot 4 below.   Screenshot 3 Power Editor Preview Facebook Ad   Screenshot 4 Preview Facebook Ad Power Editor   This will take you to the ad where you can reply to the comments or delete them. If you have your own suggestions about fighting spam on your social ads, let us know the comments below!